IT has taken me three days, couple of hours and endless answering to e-mails to realize I have entered a new stage in my life. I am about to finish the first quarter of my life and that scares the shit out of me(excuse the language)!
I remember when I was 13 years old and though 25 year-old were ancient members of society... And now that I am so close to hitting the 25th birthday I consider myself unchanged and, well, not wiser at all. Still the same smile whispers from the mirror every morning, and still the same eyes look at the coffee at 8am. And darn it I ain't a superhero... I haven't achieved the awesomeness of glowing in the dark or flying at the speed of light. although, I have a drivers licence and I can legally drink... With that part I am doing mighty fine... I am frozen at level 13. The other day in a shop they asked to show ID to buy a pack of cigarettes?
Well, that has to be good, right? In the name of Holy Vanity I am immortal! Be jealous: Chocolate and Whisky shall preserve my looks until I am fifty. Muahahahaha
But, my mind does have its loops... Blame it on my general absentmindedness or age but I forgot to share with you my future plans for starting a sister blog to LDN GIRL (with its new name
# LDN GIRL). It will be Food blog about my cooking, or may be a pyromaniac statement, if I manage to blow up the kitchen somehow *looking totally angelic*. Follow me on Facebook for the news around this new blog and keep your fingers crossed I don't erase London from the face of the Earth.
# LDN GIRL). It will be Food blog about my cooking, or may be a pyromaniac statement, if I manage to blow up the kitchen somehow *looking totally angelic*. Follow me on Facebook for the news around this new blog and keep your fingers crossed I don't erase London from the face of the Earth.
Always yours, with a spoon in hand
LDN Girl
Share your thoughts on the new look of my blog ;)
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