Tuesday, 2 June 2015


It has been three months, couple of days and a whole lot of lost self-respect since I have last been here. I worked for an outsourced marketing company for that period. A harsh business that is. It definitely is not for the soft hearted and those with moral compasses, but never the less it is a good, profitable business that teaches you work ethic and appreciation for the simple things in life.
Through these long hours of work I realized that there is so much more to me that I never even went into and this both scared me and excited me. I never knew I could be though and I never knew I could bend myself to please someone's desires or dreams of me and my career.
'Í know nothing' - I said to myself
And it is true, I still know nothing of myself. I keep running away and running back to books as if they are my destiny and sometimes it really feels they are, sometimes it feel as if they are my worst enemies and my harshest judges, but I can't seem to be able to live without them.

talk to you soon


Sunday, 18 January 2015


I cannot recall whether I shared with you my obsession with books and my secret love for all size and breed horses... Well, here it is... 

Hello every one,

My name is Yana. I am a BOOK addict
and Horse lover... and to be completely honest I am a goddess in the kitchen ;)

Yesterday I had the most wonderful Saturday in a long period of time. I get to spend the whole day walking around, drinking coffee and digging into book antique shops.... I.T. W.A.S. A.W.E.S.O.M.E.


Thursday, 15 January 2015


SOMETIMES I wish I could translate myself into every genre. I want to be drama as much as comedy, horror as much as thriller, even documentary. Sometimes I wish I could speak to every preference and satisfy everyone at one point or another. Have you ever wished to burn out to the fullest with every emotion possible and then to be reborn from that very same emotion?

Always yours,
LDN girl

Wednesday, 14 January 2015


SOMETIMES  I wish I could order a revision of 'my soul on room service and don't bother with all the pain one has to go through when dealing with the matters of the heart. Alas, there is no one else that could do the analysis but yourself and in my case - myself. It is indeed a slow process of revaluation that some time requires conversations with good friends, other times - some me-time but most of all I find myself revealed beneath the gaze of my special Ladybug, who always spots the black dots and ticks aways the white ones. She is a troubled soul like me, you know, but she has so much sunshine in her eyes that almost no one could tell. And yet, I am among the few that know that and I feel blessed for this reason among all others.
Along the journey we had and we are still having there are more than one narratives that do not fit with any I have read and still there are more than one similarities that one could spot. The funny thing is they are always connected to Slavic characters with their sad drunkenness and their absurd wisdom that spurs like an unsaid metaphor when you get to know their characters. Like those Theodore Decker & his Boris whose pathetic, for some, existence has taught me a lesson I couldn't reason to see prior I read "The Goldfinch" by Donna Tartt...

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

To the right of my shoulder

“Ezra, thank God you are awake. Come on, sleepy. You need to see this. The world has gone completely mad” - Mia swept into the room, her overcoat billowing open behind her as she zigzagged across the books on the floor towards me. She was smiling. Her curly hair - a mess. She began removing her black leather gloves, one finger at a time. - “Awake already?” – She raised an eyebrow.

 “Jesus, Mia, it’s the middle of the night. Why can’t you just once let me get some sleep? It is bad enough that you are always eating my food and drinking my coffee.” I said from beneath the blanket.

“For someone who has just woken up you are quite the talkative one. Shush now. This concerns your project with the orange trees. Remember? The one from a couple of years ago.”

I fixed my gaze on the half smoked cigarettes in the ashtray. One of them had lipstick marks on it… Certainly not the color Mia used.

“Ezra, what is she talking about?” a fading voice sounded somewhere behind me.

Cold shivered down my spine. I stood there in indecision. I turned around very slowly in hope that Mia wouldn’t notice.

 She was back again. The blue-green haze. My torturer for a couple of weeks now.

Trying to stay calm I got up and headed for the bathroom. As I looked myself into the mirror I paused for a moment to examine what resembled a young-looking man approaching his fortieth year, with jet black hair and a hawkish nose. My eyes were even grayish than before. It was getting worse. First it was only the rash, then the loss of appetite, now the insomnia and … the hallucinations. How was I ever to tell Mia about this?

I splashed some cold water on my face. As if that would help?!

“Ezra, what project?” - the annoying fading voice persisted.

I lifted my eyes to look into the mirror. The blue-green silhouette to the right of my shoulder. It looked almost human. Almost… I felt her hand on my shoulder. The flesh of her palm was like no flesh I had seen before. Its green ridges and blue furrows bore no relation to the pink mound at the base of my fingers, the pale valley of my palm. Her flesh, if that was flesh at all, had melted in an unrecognizable landscape of swirling dust and particles. The coldness of it - in sharp contrast with my body temperature.

“Well, we had all these children out planting trees, see, because we figured that ... that was part of their education, to see how, you know, the root systems ... and also the sense of responsibility, taking care of things, being individually responsible. You know what I mean. And the trees all died. They were orange trees. I don’t know why they died, they just died.” – I started explaining slowly. Talking to the haze… as if she was really there.

“Ezra! Ezra! Come here. Hurry up you’ll miss it.” –For the first time in ten years. I was grateful to hear that voice. It saved me.

I made my way back to the couch. My whole body collapsed on it from exhaustion – I almost felt it dismember. I repressed the howl.

“Mia, that’s the stupid show you like…Why do you…”

The television program was suddenly interrupted for a news bulletin. It wasn’t clear at first as to what the bulletin was about, since the announcer had a serious speech impediment. For about half a minute, and in a state of high excitement, the announcer tried to say, “Ladies and gentlemen –”

“I like his hair. When you were younger, yours was as curly as his. You have to tell her, Ezra. You have to.” – like nails in a coffin.

“Will you shut up! I don’t want to tell her!” - I hissed.

“Here you go, the way you like it.”

The aroma of the coffee tickled my nostrils. Combined with the smell of the evening fog it was the most calming thing in the world. It felt like home; like the valley a thousand and one miles away from the childhood that never existed.

Slowly, I managed to focus on the voice of the newsman. He was talking about the mysterious cases of dead crows around the country that had become something common in the last few weeks. For some reason they thought it was linked to the project for tree planting that didn’t succeed. A project I directed and whose mysterious lack of success was covered up by the government.

It was the first stage of the epidemic. It always starts from the soil. Then the air. Then the animals… People start missing and then only Mia and I survive. But no one ever trusts us. I guess Fear is too strong.

It has its mysterious ways. Once inside a house it obeys the force of gravity indirectly. Inside walls, under the floor, behind the curtains… never still, it seeps and trickles in unexpected directions; surfaces in the most unexpected places; until it consumes the whole of your castle, including you, as if you are nothing more but a speck of dust.

From the beginning we were prepared, we knew just what to do, for hadn’t we seen it all a hundred times?—the good people of the town going about their business, the suddenly interrupted TV programs, the faces in the crowd looking up, the little girl pointing in the air, the mouths opening, the dog yapping, the traffic stopped, the shopping bag falling to the sidewalk, and there, in the sky, coming closer… the cloud of clockwise fairies. The deadliest creations in our world. Bloodthirsty and heartless.

Suddenly the door flung opened. A thick cloud of dust rolled in, made a swift turn and hid behind a chair in the dark corner of the room. It started giving out strange noises. Then it felt silent for a couple of minutes. I stood up and made a couple of steps towards it. Breathing kept to a minimum.

Then the noise sounded again, a kind of ‘tee, tee’, accompanied by a quiet mechanical whirr. Leaning over the back of the chair, I peered into the shadowy corner. A strange brass object was moving about on the floorboards, its metal feet clacking against the lacquer It was about the size of a human head, but crafted to resemble a barn owl. Its metallic feathers shimmered in the low light. I watched it for a moment as it paced about, just like a real bird, its head twitching from side to side as it walked. After a few seconds, it turned its head as if to regard me, gears grinding as its glittering, beady eyes adjusted their focus, turning slowly to settle on my face. Then its brass wings clacked and fluttered noisily.

It all ended in the split of second.

The constrained scream of Mia died in the night. Unheard. It was as if I never were. Only I was there.

A green-blue haze to the right of the shoulder of my Mia.

Almost human.


Monday, 12 January 2015


UNTIL recently I thought we were living in the most peaceful time of modern history, but things have changed recently and we have started to fear a war again... Do you feel the same?
I am having one of those days when you stop for a second and you think: Gosh, what is wrong with you guys? Why do you argue about pointless stuff? Why do you yell, when you need to whisper? Why do you fight? And why do you rely on violence, when you only need patience? 
I admit I am not a patient person myself, or at least I didn't see myself as one until I came to live in LDN. Life here thought me a good lesson on quietness, patience, sympathy, appreciation, calmness and acceptance. And, yet, with so many emigrants only few learn those lessons... Think about it?

Always yours,

Saturday, 10 January 2015


Dearest readers, my cooking blog is now a reality (http://cookbookfairy.blogspot.co.uk/). The first recipe was successful, the first post was written and published and unfortunatelly for my diet the first cake has been fully consumed. My LDNboy marked it as EXFUSSELENT *mouthful remark* that makes even the strongest hearts melt!
 I suggest you try it, too. Whether for your own pleasure, or for family and friends, my Midnight Cake with Cocktail Cherries is mouthwatering! I am overly excited for this new project!!!
Always yours!

Tuesday, 6 January 2015


SO there it is: 6th January 2015. Almost a week in the new year and still no sign of that "Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!" Slipping or not slipping, ladies and gentlemen I am still me and I am still adventurous as my situation allows me to.
Recently I have began to think about volunteering with UNICEF or some other organization just make sure I am indeed being a better person, so far though I haven gathered the guts to give myself to volunteering. What is wrong with me, people?! I think it is the being really useful part that scares the shit(excuse the language) out of me. I have been a volunteer before: for the Red Cross and for Special Olympics and other organizations, but then I was less, lets face it selfish and I was less aware of time and how it should be spend... Now I hear the clock every time when I feel like doing something fun, or something that really requires dedication. And volunteering is really about dedication. 

Why is it that as we get older we cannot commit anymore?

Saturday, 3 January 2015


IT  has taken me three days, couple of hours and endless answering to e-mails to realize I have entered a new stage in my life. I am about to finish the first quarter of my life and that scares the shit out of me(excuse the language)!

I remember when I was 13 years old and though 25 year-old were ancient members of society... And now that I am so close to hitting the 25th birthday I consider myself unchanged and, well, not wiser at all. Still the same smile whispers from the mirror every morning, and still the same eyes look at the coffee at 8am. And darn it I ain't a superhero... I haven't achieved the awesomeness of glowing in the dark or flying at the speed of light. although, I have a drivers licence and I can legally drink... With that part I am doing mighty fine... I am frozen at level 13. The other day in a shop they asked to show ID to buy a pack of cigarettes? 

Well, that has to be good, right? In the name of Holy Vanity I am immortal! Be jealous: Chocolate and Whisky shall preserve my looks until I am fifty. Muahahahaha  

But, my mind does have its loops... Blame it on my general absentmindedness or age but I forgot to share with you my future plans for starting a sister blog to LDN GIRL (with its new name
‪# LDN GIRL). It will be Food blog about my cooking, or may be a pyromaniac statement, if I manage to blow up the kitchen somehow *looking totally angelic*. Follow me on Facebook for the news around this new blog and keep your fingers crossed I don't erase London from the face of the Earth.

Always yours, with a spoon in hand

LDN Girl


Share your thoughts on the new look of my blog ;)