Tuesday, 25 November 2014


IT has been a week since your beloved LDN Girl changed her dwelling place. Her humble self now occupies a cosy bedroom on the second floor of in a three bedroom house in the lovely area of Gants Hill. Close to various shops, cafes and mostly pubs she finally feels at peace. It is not with regret that she remembers the days spend in Brussels with one of her most beloved and admittedly craziest friends of all… the ladiest ladybug of them all, but with love and betraying giggles of remembrance!
 But today I will not write about my homesickness ( if my friends defy my home) but of my newest adventure which included decoration, cleaning and most of all saving myself from a shower of squirrels who are now the friendly occupants of my backyard. I shall not even think of the aggrieving way in which I was forced out of my old “home”. People with thin souls make me sad, but it is to their loss not to mine.

 So there it goes. My charming new home has everything but book shelves and lots and lots of candles, but soon amends will be made. The last two days I devoted to refurbishing and decorating and in two days’ time my faithful knight in shining armour would help me to build my own bookshelves to fill with the adventures of other heroes and heroines, for now, I am doomed satisfy my hunger for dreams with movies and with books from the library. I have been reading about witches and moths and had given one too many nights to modern drama and of course philosophy of making popcorn with extra butter.

 I joined the nearest library and the medical centre just in case the neighbours want to keep my insanity under strict observation and not the least I have trained myself in the mysterious art of lock-changing and fixing toasters, and fridges. What can I say I am a bitch, I’m a lover, I’m a warrior, I’m a mechanic, I’m a painter, I’m a cleaner… I do not feel ashamed! And what is more I have bettered myself in losing my way around East London. Although the close vicinity of Valentines Park tempts me to lose my way around the park I still do not possess the courage to do so by myself.

 I did some jogging and I have put my mind on swimming again, but one step at a time… Do not rush me into life… Have patience as my life goes more and more exciting…

So here I am:
Same LDN Girl
Different post code
Ever thine
Ever mine
Ever ours



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