SIXTEEN days I waited to dive into the 50 m Olympic pool :) No, I lied! I have been waiting for that precious moment ever since I saw it completed back in 2012 for the Olympic Games. Two precious and long years filled with buzz and daydreaming.

So you see I have to keep up with the legacy. Of course, I do not compete or anything. I just enjoy the water and mostly try not to drawn or hit into people.
Sometimes I feel like the only penguin a family of swans. Both my parent have Captain's License, thus, they are required to swim perfectly, my brother is a professional swimmer and I swim like buoy :D:D:D Good thing I didn't by a red swimsuit :)
My first day at the pool as you can image was filled with various emotions ranging from pure joy to pure panic and a hell of water was swallowed... do not worry there is still water in the pool! I promise!!!
I am looking forward to my next day at the pool. Follow me for more updates on the LDN GIRL craze!